
Linda Kim Shares Her Journey: From Choosing Rap Career Over Being A Teacher

Linda Kim Shares Her Journey: From Choosing Rap Career Over Being A Teacher. In a recent interview with renowned artist Linda Kim, she opened up about her unconventional journey, shedding light on her decision to pursue a career in rap over being a teacher.

Linda Kim Shares Her Journey: From Choosing Rap Career Over Being A Teacher

Known for her captivating lyricism, Kim is gradually becoming a prominent figure in SA Hip Hop having released notable music projects and featuring several SA seasoned rappers. During an interview with SlikourOnLife, Linda Kim shared a moment when she had to decide between pursuing a career as a teacher or a rap star.

“One day I was just faced with the dilemma of like which part do I take because I was studying to become a teacher but I knew that’s not what I want to be,” she said. “So then one day I was sitting in my room, I was in varsity and I felt like I had to choose. So I had to either commit myself to one path like go ahead with the whole education thing and become a teacher or I’m gonna take a chance with music,” she added.

Despite being deeply committed to pursuing music, Linda Kim had to confront challenges associated with her decision, including grappling with insecurities and fears stemming from public opinions.

“Taking a chance with music was a crazy thing because then I had to get over so many things, my insecurities, l had to get over the fear of being seen as crazy because I knew if I start rapping on the internet people that know me are going to think you’re rapping now, what’s going on?

“So then I just decided to be courageous and take the high road and try and do this thing and get over my insecurities because I wanted more than anything to get over myself than the safe path. So that’s where the whole freestyle thing started,” Kim said.

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