
A-Reece Ranks His Albums & Shares Mixed Feelings About “Paradise”

A-Reece Ranks His Albums & Shares Mixed Feelings About “Paradise.” A-Reece recently opened up about his body of work, ranking his albums in a candid reflection of his career. The South African rapper, known for his lyrical prowess and distinctive sound, shared his thoughts in an exclusive interview on SlikourOnLife.

A-Reece Ranks His Albums & Shares Mixed Feelings About “Paradise”

During the conversation, A-Reece provided insight into his personal favourites in his discography. He highlighted “P2”, and “From Me to You & Only You.” “Number one, P2, and then I guess after that I will say From Me to You and then Paradise,” he said.

Although “Paradise” was the project that introduced A-Reece to his devoted fanbase, the rapper doesn’t consider it his best work because the album didn’t turn out the way he envisioned it sonically. “With Paradise, I didn’t get really the full creative control that I wanted and its kinda like it didn’t come out how I intended it to, so I kinda have mixed feelings about it because I come around people who say that sh*t is a classic and I’m like bro, I dont even want that song on it, I dont f*ck with this beat,” he added.

A-Reece explained that “From Me to You & Only You” was a pivotal moment for him to prove himself, as he was finally free from the constraints of record label politics. “With From Me to You, it was when I was independent for the first time and I could do whatever the f*ck I wanted and I just felt so liberated, free and confident. It was kinda like a make or break situation too because I had to prove myself.”

The acclaimed rapper mentioned that with “P2,” he significantly improved his craft compared to “Paradise” and “From Me to You & Only You.” “As far as P2, I feel like from those two records prior to it I improved that’s why i put it number 1,” A-Reece said.

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