
Marcus Harvey Shines At Rocking The Daisies 2024 Main Stage

Marcus Harvey Shines At Rocking The Daisies 2024 Main Stage. Following the triumph of his album Now You Know Me (NYKM), Marcus Harvey continues to build on his success in 2024, achieving new milestones in his musical journey.

Marcus Harvey Shines At Rocking The Daisies 2024 Main Stage

With each passing month, he solidifies his presence in the industry, captivating audiences with his distinctive sound and artistic vision. This year has seen him not only gaining critical acclaim but also expanding his fan base, leading to increased opportunities for collaborations and performances.

Taking from the just-ended Rocking The Daisies event which happened from 3-6 October 2024 in Capetown, Marcus Harvey delivered a memorable performance on the event’s main stage. Expressing gratitude on social media, the talented rapper thanked the festival for the opportunity and praised the seamless execution of the event.

“I appreciate @rockingthedaisies for having me and for putting on a great show all round,” he wrote, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the festival. Marcus also acknowledged his dedicated team, including @staylow_official, @thabz_omega, and @thatso_m, emphasizing that teamwork is the key to success in the music industry.

The performance was further elevated by the contributions of his talented band, comprising @fiji_mageba, @official_dr_eze, @di_teboho, and @jessethedrummer_. “Thank you for getting the music right and for the hours we spend working on this art,” Marcus Harvey expressed, underscoring the effort that goes into crafting each live show.

A special shoutout went to @levis_africa for their ongoing support, as the Alexandra-born rapper praised the fit he wore on stage, declaring, “This fit is too much. Killed it!” The artist also expressed his heartfelt appreciation to fans, stating, “Thank you to all of you that support my music and sing my songs when I am on stage; that’s when I really come alive.”

Looking ahead, Marcus is set to perform at the upcoming GOOD WORK event in Johannesburg this weekend, promising fans another unforgettable experience. With a blend of gratitude and excitement, Harvey continues to solidify his status as a prominent figure in the South African music scene.

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