
Slikour Addresses Sizwe Dhlomo’s Remarks Declaring Teargas The Greatest SA Hip Hop Group

Slikour Addresses Sizwe Dhlomo’s Remarks Declaring Teargas The Greatest SA Hip Hop Group. In a lively social media exchange, renowned media personality Sizwe Dhlomo ignited a passionate discussion about the legacy of South African hip-hop, proclaiming Teargas as the best hip-hop group in the country’s history.

Slikour Addresses Sizwe Dhlomo’s Remarks Declaring Teargas The Greatest SA Hip Hop Group

Sizwe Dhlomo made a bold comparison, likening Teargas to the Fugees while acknowledging the groundbreaking influence of Skwatta Kamp, which he described as the “Wu-Tang of this sh!t.” Slikour, who was part of Skwatta Kamp respected figure in the hip-hop community, swiftly responded to Dhlomo’s statement, emphasizing the subjective nature of such comparisons.

“I’m not going to argue on best hip hop groups—that’s an opinion based on generations,” Slikour noted, drawing parallels between the hip hop icons of different eras. He highlighted the cultural impact of both Teargas and the Fugees, stating that while the Fugees achieved significant commercial success, Teargas made their mark by blending commercial appeal with cultural influence.

Slikour elaborated, “Fugees made hits, Wyclef impacted culture maybe a bit Lauren. Teargas made hits, impacted culture, and KO just took it to another level.” His response underscored the unique contributions of Teargas, which he believes deserve more recognition than a mere comparison to the Fugees.

Furthering the conversation, Slikour compared the evolution of hip-hop groups, stating that ASAP Mob can be seen as the evolution of Wu-Tang, just as Teargas represented a new chapter following Skwatta Kamp. “Teargas were able to bring both these together and add themselves. That’s evolution and progression,” he explained.

The veteran rapper also acknowledged the importance of the broader hip-hop landscape in South Africa, crediting a collective of artists, including Jozi, Morafe, H2O, HHP, and others, for laying the groundwork for future generations. “We cut from the same cloth and both had a job for different generations,” he said, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the industry.

The exchange highlighted the rich history and ongoing evolution of South African hip-hop, illustrating how different generations of artists have influenced each other while shaping the culture at large. As debates about the best groups and lyricists continue, it’s clear that the contributions of pioneers like Teargas and Skwatta Kamp will always hold a place in the hearts of hip-hop fans.

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