Here Is Why Da L.E.S’ All White Party Was Shut Down

Da L.E.S’ All White Party was shut Down to the disappointment of many revelers who had been waiting in anticipation for this invite only and prestigious event only to be turned away by the Metro Police! The event which had been billed for the 21st of January but had to be moved to the 18th of February.

According to reports and a statement from Metro police spokesperson, Edna Mamonyane the glamorous party was shut down because “proper procedures to host it weren’t followed”. The spokesperson added on to say “Anyone who has any event in the city has to apply to the City of Johannesburg before the event. The All White Party did not have a permit and therefore could not be allowed to go ahead,”
Watch the video of the all white party shut down below!
Here is what Da Les Had to say about the development
“Please note ‼️: Due to unforseen circumstances my annual All White Pool Party has been POSTPONED to the 18th of FEB ?”