Meek Mill Might Face Nearly 2 Years In Prison Over Probation Violations

Meek Mill Might Face Nearly 2 Years In Prison Over Probation Violations! Meek Mill could be facing nearly two years in prison for violating his probation, according to TMZ. Meek is heading to court on Monday (November 6) to hear his fate after already violating his probation twice this year, which stems from a 2008 drug and weapons conviction.
Back in August, Meek Mill was arrested for driving his dirt bike recklessly through the streets of New York City. He reportedly struck a deal in October that stipulated that if he’s able to go six months without racking up any more charges, he’ll have the arrest cleared from his record.
A few months earlier in March, Meek Mill was charged with misdemeanor assault after an altercation broke out with an employee of St. Louis International Airport.
The judge in Meek’s drug and weapons case has reportedly already informed the Philly rapper that if he makes one more false move, he’ll be in big trouble. In 2015, Meek Mill left his home state of Pennsylvania without pre-approval and the judge put him on house arrest. Considering his most recent cases are more serious than traveling without permission, speculation has begun circulating regarding Meek’s fate.
TMZ reports that Meek Mill could be facing 20 months behind bars if things don’t go his way.
Meek hasn’t directly commented on his latest legal developments, instead sharing a pic on Instagram of him bringing children from The Boys & Girls Club to a Philadelphia 76s game.