SA Fans React To Big Shaq Saying He Lived In South Africa
SA Fans React To Big Shaq Saying He Lived In South Africa

SA Fans React To Big Shaq Saying He Lived In South Africa! Big Shaq is undeniably one of the most notable names in the international music industry especially after his hit single called “Man’s Not Hot”.
The hit single broke the rapper on to a lot of different markets because of the humor the rapper puts in his music. Big Shaq was recently asked whether he has visited South Africa yet and responded to the question by saying that he actually used to live in South Africa when his Father was working in East London as a doctor.
Michael Dapaah aka Big Shaq (Man’s not hot) on growing up in East London, South Africa.
— TSONGA PAPII ? (@Troniiq_Sithole) 26 June 2018
This caught a lot of SA Hip Hop fans attention getting a number of different reactions.”I knew those skrrrrrikapapa was African motivated. I remember when doing grade 11 and 12. Used to use the work Rutuu Kuuu continuous to emphasis an event,” tweeted one fan replying to the video.
I knew those skrrrrrikapapa was African motivated. I remember when doing grade 11 and 12. Used to use the work Rutuu Kuuu continuous to emphasis an event.??????
— Lebogang Setlhaba (@lsetlhaba) 26 June 2018
That explains his behavior muc ??
— Kgomotso (@Kgomots_Trey) 26 June 2018
we called him Shaq’zinto
— Gaffit (@Wandi_Nhlabathi) 26 June 2018
Shaq’Zero ?
— O N F R O Y E ™ (@Lverson_Roye) 26 June 2018
I knew it …he used to have sex with mntana waseNext door
— #Roses2 (@JvySeptmber) 26 June 2018
Is this guy famous?? i think i went to primary naye
— Snezzy (@sn3zy) 26 June 2018
Wow! All of a sudden the world seems very small… I wouldn’t have guessed it?
— Meli.. ka Shandu (@Given_47) 26 June 2018
zenimxelele ke lo MaShaqalala abuye azokwaluka
— Ma-Tee (@Mathibeli_Matee) 26 June 2018
I knew t. Wabaleka neskibha sam lomjita
— sanele (@ngcobosanele76) 26 June 2018
Lol I guess he’s Xhosa in that Black Coffee manner
— Sunman Geez (@AndileGeez) 26 June 2018
Like for real
— MitchelleKaroro? (@mitchellekaroro) 26 June 2018