Here’s Why K.O Decided To Drop The Kasi Sound

Most artists are sure to take into consideration responses from the public when they release their projects, K.O proved to have done that with his previous release which comprised of a Kasi sound / Kwaito.
A fan of his on twitter asked if he could feature at least one song with a “Kasi authencity” on his upcoming album Vokals. The Supa Dupa hitmaker responded by saying that he is past that kind of sound because it was unappreciated by many people when he once tried it.
“That typa sound wasn’t appreciated by the time I made Don Dada so I’m a little past it. If I try it on the next album it will be on some 2019 shit.”
Don Dada dropped back in 2016 featuring Okmalumkoolkat, while others bashed on it some loved it and showered praise to the rapper for his rapping skills.