iFani Opens Up About Going Broke, Rising From The Dead And How Fame Affected Him

iFani finally landed an interview with Mo Flava on Metro FM which took place earlier this week with him opening up about everything from fame, music, freedom and dying.
The rapper expressed how fame took up most of his life that he never got to live and enjoy being young because he was obliged to go from gigs to gigs. At one point he mentioned going through a spiritual journey comprising of two rituals, the first one included drinking a portion where you die and come back to tell a story. The rapper explained what happened during his few hours of death.
The interview shocked many people, Mo Flava even took to Twitter to share the he has no idea how to describe the interview. “I am still trying to describe my interview with @iFani_Haymani. I’m still lost for words. It is however nothing short of interesting #TheDriveOnMetro.”
Most people have been curious to know more about iFani ever since he took a step back in music, the interview shared the depth of him as a person by covering all the aspects people needed to know.
“I imagined this interview for a long time.I walked to gym day dreamin it. Week in and week out. Yesterday it happened, on its own. How can I not believe The Law of Attraction?This is my personal proof that it works. But it takes time,” wrote iFani.
Metro FM released a PodCast which you can listen to via this LINK.