“Miss me with that Christian Jesus bullsh*t talk,” Scoop Expresses His Beliefs

“Miss me with that Christian Jesus bullsh*t talk,” Scoop Expresses His Beliefs. We have seen how Scoop Makhathini is a traditional man who is always about authentic African material. What he has revealed lately is that he actually isn’t a believer of God/Jesus.
As much as it becomes a controversial topic, Scoop still expressed his raw views stating that the Jesus talk is “bullsh*t”. He added on by saying he believes in ancestors he called out by name.
“i ain’t with that whole christian jesus talk…miss me with that bullshit…if you feel offended…pray for me…i know qamata and my ancestors nezihlwele…i ain’t praying to no white person to save me…miss me,” he wrote.
He further conveyed how South Africans will never be ready to have a real talks broad context.
“South Africans are never ready for any real convos that deal with themselves.all we know is marching and placards ?its so painful i have to laugh just to keep from crying,” he tweeted.
Here’s what fans had to say: