Zingah Releases New Summer Single Titled ‘Imali Yam’

Zingah Releases New Summer Single Titled ‘Imali Yam’. If you were still enjoying Dlala pause it a bit and have a listen to this new single Zingah has dropped titled Imali Yam.
A few days ago Zingah was celebrating the success of his single Dlala which is still in the top 10 of Apple Music even after 8 months since it dropped. He didn’t mention any new music coming up, Imali Yam came as a surprise. To say it slaps would be an understatement.
As a newly signed member at Sony, the 22 year old is giving out more heat than expected. Briefly the new song talks about everything that finishes his money, from girls to the finest clothes and parties, and so he begs for financial lessons.