Zoocci Coke Dope Speaks On What It Took For Him To Reach A Point He Is Now At Musically

Zoocci Coke Dope Speaks On What It Took For Him To Reach A Point He Is Now At Musically. Anxiety mastermind shares a little motivation based on his own experiences.
We all go through hardships before we reach for the stars. What determines how willing and dedicated we are is how we survive through those hardships. Lucky enough some people are here to tell their share of tales on how they survived obstacles and succeeded.
Zoocci Coke Dope has always been an inspiration to many youngsters. As young as he is he even teaches a thing or two to the OGs, all this means it’s not just his work ethic that’s impressive but his wit. The 26 year-old recently had a sit down with Slikour on a least interview discussing all things musical.
During the conversation which saw the two seated, the Afterlife rapper spoke about motivation, success and goals. He was referencing his new album Anxiety which is by far the biggest release of his career. He let people in on how big goals require hard work and long hours and how can one maneuver all that.