“Sometimes your idiot self gets the better of you” – AKA Regrets

“Sometimes your idiot self gets the better of you” regrets AKA after a spectacular twitter rant were he crossed many lines in his Cassper beef. From telling Cassper’s family to suck his d*ck and saying Fu$k Cassper’s mother and father. AKA did not hold any punches he further went on to calling Cassper’s father deadbeat for letting Cassper drop out of school.
AKA clearly later level headed when he came back on social media to apologise for some of the things he said. In particular he focuses his apology on calling Cassper a Moffie – a A South African slang word meaning a guy who dresses and acts like a girl. It does not necessarily refer to all gay men but rather to those who display female tendencies i.e. drag queens and cross-dressers etc.
We hope we will have a break from AKA’s rants considering he has taken a step back to apologise and call his own personality to question. See his tweet below that read “Sometimes your idiot self gets the better of you.”