
How Emtee Reacted To The Zodwa Wabantu’s Drama With Young Boyfriend Vusi

How Emtee Reacted To The Zodwa Wabantu’s Drama With Young Boyfriend Vusi. The second week of August started off on a rocky start when Zodwa Wabantu exposed his young ex boyfriend for being a fraudster.

The news dominated social media headlines and trends leading to even big stars commenting on the issue. Emtee is known as an active Twitter user, from time to time hw chimes into hot topics and has done so with the Zodwa’s mayhem.

Zodwa Wabantu has always made headlines for dating younger men and she has never been afraid to express her liberal nature. The twist to this past relationship is that Vusi a 23 year-old Durban Of University student bought an Audi VI career with a discount of the 30% Audi offered Zodwa should she buy anything.

Zodwa’s rant revealed that she has bought Vusi clothes from different parts of the world, at this point she is on a search to find him since he has been seen hanging with a female lawyer who confirmed their relationship.

Emtee threw his 2 cents on the issue:

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