AKA Calls In For Donations To Help Family Of A Disabled Teen Who Was Shot By Police

AKA Calls In For Donations To Help Family Of A Disabled Teen Who Was Shot By Police. Some celebrities limit their contributions to tweets but AKA continues to create a culture of giving and helping by leaning a hand.
Last week social media went on a furious mode when the news of a 16 year old boy Nathaniel Julius was gunned down by police in the Cape flats. The boy suffered from down syndrome and was allegedly shot because he couldn’t utter a word to the police who assumed he was a gang member.
The news weren’t received too well by a lot of people including AKA, who took action by donating money to the family. In pursuit of building up funds for the poor family, Bhova decided to call on interested people to drop their few cents to help mostly Nathaniel’s younger siblings aged 10, 11 and 14.
Supa Mega did more than just tweeting and inspired most of his followers to do the same.
“My friend … if you want to help, start with the people in your own community. You don’t need to donate to this cause right now, you can donate your TIME to causes around you. Right now. And guess what? It costs you nothing,” AKA spread the good word.
He continued on to state that in as much there could be donations, Mega also seeks justice for the slain young man.
Below are the details that can be used to transfer funds of donation to the account.
“You can make your own donation at Mercantile Bank Limited -Attorneys E Botha And Y Erasmus Inc – Account 1050669924
Branch 450105
Send ewallets to 0781850982.”