Zoocci Coke Shades Nota For “Claiming The Respect He Hasn’t Earned”. Rapper and producer Zoocci Coke Dope also chimed into the views Nota shared about other rappers in SA. He didn’t specify his name but threw a shade that wasn’t hard for fans to decipher.
Nota went on a full hour and 30 minutes interview with McG where he expressed views about specific SA rappers and what SA hip hop needs and lacks to be at the peak. The interview wasn’t well received by many hip hop artists who felt that he was fitting himself too hard in a boot that isn’t his size.
Zoocci expressed that one must be really arrogant to claim the power they didn’t earn in the game.
“How arrogant must you be to think you have the right to pull rank for respect you havnt earned or else a person wont make it in an industry. you must think we send our prayers to you,” wrote the producer.
Speaking on the state of hip hop in the past, Zoocci praised Nasty C and A-Reece for their impact Nota slammed saying they don’t represent SA hip hop.
“Nasty C & Baby Boy represent the SAHipHip I believe in and am part of. All that other noise is BIG cap,” wrote Coke Dope.
Not on the other hand said “Unless they both start truly representing South African hip hop they must both die. What I am saying is this, if you do not grow, be stagnant and stay with your cult following it sucks.”