
Wait! Was AKA’s Baecation Paid For By The ANC?

Wait! Was AKA’s Baecation Paid For By The ANC?! While we thought Aka was switching sides when it comes to political parties (when we saw him all smiles with Malema last month) it seems like the ANC still has a supporter in him.

AKA must have seen our article on him potentially voting for EFF in the upcoming elections. He took to twitter to clarify that he was ANC through and through although he’s not sure what they stand for anymore.

“Honestly, this elections.. I’m going to VOTE ANC….I am ANC through and through but I need understanding and reassurance of what we stand for and where we are headed,” he tweeted.

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“Ok… back to my baller ass vacation.  Paid for by the ANC,” it was AKA’s fingers that typed the words. We know AKA has twitter fingers and he was being sarcastic about the whole matter as he later clarified.

I am not an influencer nor am I contracted or paid in any shape or form by the ANC. I have a platform as a leader in my private capacity as a citizen of the country that I love. I will speak as I see fit with my own beliefs and nobody can silence me or put a price on my voice.— AKA (@akaworldwide) January 16, 2019

Use your brain. Do you think I would be able to tweet that I’m not sure why I’m voting ANC if the ANC was paying me to tweet?— AKA (@akaworldwide) January 16, 2019

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