
“My time will come again” – IFani Awaits Music Comeback With Optimism & Hope

“My time will come again” – IFani Awaits Music Comeback With Optimism & Hope. IFani is on the brink of a highly anticipated comeback. With an air of optimism and hope, the artist has expressed his unwavering determination to reclaim his place in the spotlight and make his mark on the industry once more.

“My time will come again” – IFani Awaits Music Comeback With Optimism & Hope

Taking to Twitter, the rapper stated that he will wait to restore his reputation in the competitive rap game, as he hoped to reclaim his previous grandeur. “Things can only get better So I chose to wait To stay alive & wait… My time will come again Whenever that will be I’ll wait.” Tweeted IFani who has been out of the game for 6 years.

Speaking to Daily Sun IFani said that his decision to take a 6-year musical hiatus was due to the amount of pressure that comes with being in the music industry.

“During the time I was working on my debut record, everything in my life was going extremely well. I was getting bookings left and right, but I was unable to keep up with the demand because the pressure was too much.

I had the impression that I was going to fight because it was so difficult for me. After making more money, I made the decision to move somewhere where there is more peace,” he said. iFani’s loyal fanbase has been eagerly awaiting his return, and their enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed.

The rapper’s fans will once again be graced by the lyrical prowess and artistic brilliance of this remarkable artist. IFani promised that he will be dropping an album this year, but there are no specific details as to when he will dish out the 3rd Quadrant album. “Creating 3rd Quadrant Is like making love To my crush. A dream come true. Oh Zizo!” Wrote IFani.

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