HHP In A Better Place And Scheduled To Get Married Soon

HHP was off the radar last year and we didn’t know what was going on. The rapper is clearly in a better place and he has announced that he recently paid lobola for the new lady in his life for four to five weeks now.
“I paid lobola about four or five weeks ago but I didn’t want it to be a big thing and for our love life to steal all the headlines‚” he said. HHP split with the mother of his son last year and that left him in a very dark place.
“I was on set when she left me and when I got back people asked me if I had smoked weed because my eyes were so red. The truth is that they were red because I had been crying” explained HHP. “I contemplated killing myself after that and my friend’s had to literally take the noose and tell me that from now on it would represent me hanging my old self. But me and my son’s mother are good friends now” he said.