Cashtime Life Announces Week Long Series Of QnA’s With Their Artists

Cashtime has decided to conduct a week long QnA for the fans. Cashtime Life has been under fire from the fans and general public because they think the label has been favoring/ pushing K.O a bit too much. The fans have always been concerned about this but the complaints became extreme when Ma-E dropped his album and then K.O went on to release his first single off his upcoming album.
“There is a growing perception that Cashtime Life shows favoritism towards certain artists and places more effort into the endeavours and efforts of some and not so much for others. Even Cashtime Life’s most loyal fans are also starting to feel this way” said Cashtime Life.
“As Cashtime Life we would like to open the discussion further and address the rumors directly, to do this we have decided that Cashtime Life will open itself to public scrutiny by conducting a week-long series of Twitterviews (QnA) with our artists. No PR spin, just artists answering the questions asked in their own words” Cashtime Life announced.