
Tellaman On Accusations That His Song’s AKA Influenced

Tellaman On Accusations That His Song's AKA Influenced

Tellaman On Accusations That His Song’s AKA Influenced! AKA is definitely one of the people who set a lot of trends in SA Hip Hop. This is then translated in a different tone when artists who come after them try the things they have done before them getting ridiculed for “sounding like them”.

Tellaman recently posted a snippet of a song he was working on to his twitter account. Some fans felt like he sounded like AKA or that the sound was AKA influenced. Considering the banger AKA released in 2016  One Time, which sort of set the trend for singing type of rap on a new level.

“Am I the only one who hears some AKA influence innis song?,” tweeted one fan. Although a lot of Tellaman fans were showing support, this surely caught Tellaman’s attention since there were a couple of tweets that supported this claim.

“1. I have gang of songs like this, I just haven’t released any of them.. 2. This style of music beeeeeen around for the longest of time, your favorite didn’t invent this style of music. 3. Calm down ✋?,” tweeted Tellaman responding to the claims.

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