Maftown Heights Announces The 2016 Hosts

Maftown Heights Announces The 2016 Hosts. With the summer quickly approaching, we know that the game is about to get exciting in terms of the gigs and concerts. Maftown Heights is one of those concerts that light up the whole city when it’s going down.
Every year we get a different set of hosts and this year we are scheduled to have the beautiful Vuzu presenter Moozlie and the legendary Dj from Yfm DJ Sabby. We can’t wait to see what what stage will look like because we know we are getting the best the industry has to offer.
“Channel O and YFM have been Maftown Heights media partners since inception. Without fail, our media partners’ on air talent have done an impeccable job as the event MC’s! This year will be no exception as we welcome SA’s premier drive time radio show host, DJ Sabby, and one of the hottest on screen presenters, Moozlie, on to our stage as the dynamic duo charged with directing proceedings on SA hip hop’s night to shine!” said Maftown Heights co-founder and organiser, Refiloe Ramogase.