
Reason Talks About Upcoming EP & The Inspiration Behind New Single ‘Ngyakthanda’

Reason Talks About Upcoming EP & The Inspiration Behind New Single ‘Ngyakthanda’. Reason is working on a new EP and has just dropped a new single as an intro titled Ngyakthanda.

On a recent interview with IceKream publication the rapper opened up about everything involving the upcoming EP which is about bringing the light inside of him.

“The sound is much younger. However, the content is much older. Azania was about bringing light to what was around me at that time. This EP is about bringing light to what is inside me.”

Speaking about inspiration behind the music he said love of the people in his life were the reason he penned down the song.

“Love inspired it. The people I love, the things I love, and all things/people that love me back. I also dabble into things I like or hate too because sometimes we can never tell the difference.

“The point was to find common ground with people like me that are happy to express their love of similar ideas/things. In essence, we all (kinda) love money, good times, looking good, life and ourselves. This one is for those who can relate.”

Ngyakthanda isn’t a new song he revealed how it took him months to improve his craft.

“I’ve taken almost 9 months to re-calibrate and improve my work. The songs I make, the videos I need, the work behind it and the importance of creating something impactful in this climate.

“Taking time to assess whether the song works or not was important for me because it was an effort I often took for granted because “I’m dope.” My work has always sold itself. Now, I realize the need to sell myself and my work. This song has been tried and tested in different spaces with different people. Therefore it is time to put the work in and out properly.”

You can download the single HERE.

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