Audiomarc Reveals His Role In Emtee Meeting Joburg Mayor

Rapper Emtee on Thursday met newly appointed Johannesburg Mayor Jolidee Matongo as he celebrates the release of the visuals for his track, Johustleburg. The meet and greet was a highly celebrated moment on social media by the award-winning rapper and his fans and supporters.
Audiomarc, who is Nasty C’s DJ also was proud of Emtee’s winning moment and shared his sentiments on Twitter. In his tweet, audiomarc shared that he may have had a role in Emtee’s moment happening. Audiomarc tweeted that he low key spoke the moment into existence. “I low-key spoke this into existence. Johustleburg” wrote. It is unclear as to whether he played a role in the logistics or previously spoke about the moment happening. Manifestation is key in life.

The SA Hip Hop DJ, may not have been involved directly in the moment happening but his speaking positivity around the subject definitely helped manifest the moment. Words do have power and it is often said that we speak things into existence which is what Audiomarc has done. Audiomarc has supported Emtee in the past and often retweets the rapper’s tweets or news of the moves Emtee is making. The two hip hop game players are on good terms with each other.
Emtee during his meeting with the Joburg mayor played his video for the mayor. The mayor in a video posted on Twitter of the meeting says to Emtee that he is taking audiences up there to see that there is hope in the city. A tweet, posted on the mayor’s Twitter account said “well done” to Emtee and his team for the song and shared the moment with the mayor’s followers.
Emtee had promised his followers that he would be coming through with the fresh content and he has kicked things off with his video release and a whole meet and greet with Joburg city’s mayor. This is all fitting with the hustler’s song that is all about the city of gold.