Zoocci Coke Dope Slams Fans Stirring Beef Between A-Reece And Him

Zoocci Coke Dope Slams Fans Stirring Beef Between A-Reece And Him. Zoocci Coke Dope has slammed fans who are stirring beef between A-Reece and other SA Hip Hop artists. The award-winning producer’s comments come after a Twitter user insinuated that Zoocci Coke Dope was referring to A-Reece in a separate tweet. A-Reece has become known to stay in his lane and not get involved in SA Hip Hop beef, he is known for his music and not his Twitter fingers. However, that has not stopped A-Reece’s name from being dragged into twar moments.
Zoocci Coke Dope is the latest person to be pinned against A-Reece and he is not here for it. The Piff Audio, record label executive, shared on Twitter that he doesn’t understand why fans pin everyone against A-Reece. Zoocci even clarified in his post, that he has never had a problem, with A-Reece yet fans keep dragging, his name into beef conversations. Zoocci even went on to add that fans sometimes show their love for their favourite artists in weird ways, by creating enemies for them.

Zoocci in his Tweets, also reminded his fan base that not everything he tweets about is in reference to A-Reece or any other individuals in SA Hip Hop, after all, he does have a life outside of the genre. The rapper made it sometimes his tweets be him referring to life. “YA’LL PiN EVERYONE AGAiNST REECE AND i’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND iT. i HAVE A LiFE OUTSiDE OF RAP , i TWEET THiNGS i ANALYSE ABOUT LiFE. SAME CONTENT iN MY MUSiC. i’VE NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WiTH REECE, NOT EVEN ONCE BUT YA’LL GET SO WEiRD BRO.” tweeted Zoocci. This is not the first time, the hit producer is expressing his dissatisfaction with being drawn into drama, he did previously ask to not be thrown in “weird rapper things”.
Zoo went back to his original tweet and explained that him quoting lyrics, does not mean he is talking about A-Reece and got rhetorical with fans and asked if they had never seen a person quoting lyrics. He also slammed fans for creating situations in the name of love. “YA’LL NEVER SEEN PEOPLE QUOTiNG SONG LYRiCS WHEN THEY COULD’VE BEEN iN THE WRONG ? i COULD ONLY BE TALKiNG ABOUT REECE ? YA’LL DON’T KNOW HOW WEiRD SOME OF THE THiNGS YA’LL DO ARE. YOU LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH, YOU ALWAYS CREATiNG ENEMiES FOR HiM. THATS WEiRD,” tweeted Zoocci.
The Slimes tend to support A-Reece hard and they will be in a person’s mentions, ask Priddy Ugly. The Handful of Dust hitmaker rubbed slimes the wrong way when it seemed he was coming for A-Reece in a bad way. “On Handful Of Dust, I say you know because, I’ll say Reece because the slimes are in my mentions like a lot but shout out to the slimes, cause it’s so dope to see someone you know people getting that much support and this is all love to these dudes love you know,” said Priddy Ugly during his interview on POPradio.