Nasty C and Emtee Share a Special Bromance On Twitter

Nasty C and Emtee Share a Special Bromance On Twitter. It’s not long ago when Nasty C showed much love to Emtee after the release of the album “Logan” by sharing the album link to his audience, therefore endorsing it. The relationship of the two hip hop rappers has been nothing but a purple patch.
At the birth of their hip hop careers, Nasty C and Emtee’s relationship suffered baseless comparisons from the fans. But the two have remained firm focusing on their music projects and they worked together on “Winning” a few years ago.

Rewinding back to 2020, the hip hop rapper Gemini Major took to social media and brewed a Nasty C and Emtee battle on Instagram Live. This sparked a divided opinion about the two hip hop superstars, but the duo could not allow social media reactions to get at each other. Rather they have continued to show massive support on each other’s work on professional level and personal level.
Throughout the years, the duo have showed good sentiments to each other on social media and we have enjoyed watching their bromance grow despite the different waves thrown at them. Emtee’s recently took to twitter sending Nasty C some love after running into each other.
“Good seeing you the other day Gang @Nasty_CSA,” tweeted Emtee. Nasty C responded to Emtee’s tweet, sending greeting to his family too. “Always good seeing you my brada send my love to the youngens,” Nasty C responded.
The exchange is an indication that these two have much respect for each other.
In addition, should we be on the lookout for another collaboration from them? Only time will tell, for now we can only groove to their recent work including the Emtee’s Logan Album.