Jay Jody Reveals What He Think About His Music And The People Who Listen To It

Jay Jody Reveals What He Think About His Music And The People Who Listen To It. SA Hip hop stars Jay Jody and A-Reece have collaborated on a new track named “thE whitE lighT.” The song is from their latest album, “heaveN caN waiT: thE narroW dooR voL 1.” Their new joint has set the bar much higher in the rap game as they received positive impressions from their hip hop followers.

The rapper has come out on social media to defend his music and he went on to appreciate the people who pay attention to his works. “my musical intelligence is way up there. to those that hear it … your ear is impeccable.” He tweeted. Reflecting to his music career, Jay Jody has not been making a lot of music lately and it looks like the recent release with A-Reece might be a turning point for the rapper.
During an interview with Zkhiphani Jay Jody revealed that every song that they released comes with its own tale to tell and that what makes the project unique. “Every song in the album has its own life, feeling and energy. Just as how life has its moments, whether good or bad. It’s a journey, just like how life is a journey,” he said.
Jay Jody also revealed that he had his own fair share of hardships in the rap game during the B3nchMarQ days and releasing an album after departing from Ambitiouz Records was not a walk in the park.“3 Years Ago on this day – we dropped our debut album titled “We Had Hope” independently, it was so damn hard considering we were trying to survive a smear campaign,” he tweeted.
With the recent project that he dropped with his brother, the rapper is now flexing his muscles in the SA hip hop game to show how much he can offer to the culture.