Flvme Eyes A Hip hop Collaboration With US Rapper Ty Dollar Sign

Flvme Eyes A Hip hop Collaboration With US Rapper Ty Dollar Sign. Flvme has created a carved path for himself in the SA hip hop game. The rapper has emerged as one of the most intelligent and hardworking musicians in South Africa’s hip hop new wave. Flvme has faced massive criticism for having a similar style to the American artist Travis Scott and having a different stage name Flvme could not change the people’s opinion.

The rapper is currently one of the most well-known rappers in South African hip hop, and his latest collaboration with Lucasraps has made ripples in the rap world. Taking to Twitter, the Facetime hitmaker asked to have his message sent to Ty Dollar Sign, a rapper from the United States, in order for them to collaborate on a single. “Someone Tell @tydollasign I Got A Vibe He’s Needed On ASAP !!!” He wrote.
Flvme has worked exceptionally with many artists in SA hip hop. He has worked with the likes of Da L.E.S, AKA, A-Reece, Nasty C, Blxckie, Zoocci Coke Dope and a lot more. The rapper will be highly anticipating that he get hold of Ty Dollar Sign and work on something together.
Ty Dollar Sign has become a go-to feature killer in US hip hop. Ty has provided recognized vocals on approximately 50 albums. He’s spliced sinuous background voices into moody R&B tracks (like Drake’s “Jaded” and 6LACK’s “Switch”), greatly boosting each song without dominating the lead performer.