Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh Reveals Why Entity Rap Group Broke Up
Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh Reveals Why Entity Rap Group Broke Up. The Entity Rap trio, which included now-famous rapper AKA, was tipped to be the next big thing in South African hip hop. Unfortunately, the ensemble did not survive to see its destiny, as the artists parted ways.
During an interview on Penuel Show, the group member Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh claimed that the rap group died because he was told by his parents to leave Joburg. “I was told after matric you are going ezilalini for a year, that was my gap year,” he said.
“For that reason Entity broke up because I left Joburg, I left to go and connect with my family in the Eastern Cape otherwise I suspect we would’ve carried on on that path and I would’ve gone the hip-hop route and all of that.”
Sizwe further went on to say that before the group broke up, they were on the verge of releasing their 2nd album. “Let me give the hip hop heads some gold that maybe one day will be dug up. We record a second album Entity, I have the songs,” he said.
Responding on whether he is going to release the album, Sizwe said; “I don’t think so because we don’t really talk much anymore,” he added.
During another interview, he did on Nkululeko N Culture Podcast last year, Sizwe expressed bewilderment on how fame has changed his childhood friend AKA. “I harbour a bit of confusion and sadness with the way that fame in some ways changed AKA, we have been really good friends, like sleeping over at each other’s house you know doing this thing together and all of us together this really tightness friend group,” Walsh said.
“I think fame does something to people, the more famous he became, the more detached he became from that original group of friends,” he added.