Buzzi Lee Shares How She Deals With Social Media Hate

Buzzi Lee Shares How She Deals With Social Media Hate. In an age where social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, dealing with online criticism and hate has become a growing concern for many.

In a recent interview on My DM Podcast, Buzzi Lee opened up about her experiences with online hate and shared some valuable insights on how she deals with the negativity. The Pretoria-based rapper’s remarks on social media hate came after she was asked whether she read comments on her social media pages. “Do you read comments on Instagram or YouTube?”
In response, Buzzi Lee said; “I do read on Instagram, obviously people comment then you just have to show like and all of that. The most negative comments are kind of like from Twitter and Facebook.”
Buzzi Lee acknowledged that amidst the numerous negative comments on her social media platforms, there are indeed some remarks that she considers constructive criticism. “I’ve noticed there are some comments that are kinda like constructive criticism.
“So I actually just look at which one is hate or constructive criticism, so there are people who are just straight up hating and you can just tell. But for instance, there’s a person on Facebook who said to me and my mom actually sent me a screenshot. He was like ‘I love Buzzi Lee and everything but what I hate about her is that she doesn’t care about her fans and things like that.” She said.
The rapper expressed her recognition of criticism for not engaging with her fans, emphasizing the valuable lessons she has learned from it and the expectations her fans have of her.
“That is something I didn’t necessarily think of while I was doing all of this. I thought I must put out the music and the people who love it will love it. But I didn’t know you actually supposed to have a relationship with your fans besides them just knowing your song.” Buzzi Lee said.
“So things like that, so I was like okay cool, this year I will try and work on that, for instance, doing more lives or whatever I’ll get to do I will think about it. Before I wasn’t focused on that and that’s just my honest statement. I deal with it (social media hate) by actually digesting it, this is constructive criticism or this hate. If it’s a hater all do is move past, if its on my Instagram I delete it.” She added.