AKA Mom, ‘Lynn Forbes’ Address The Ama Kip Kip Incident

AKA Mom, ‘Lynn Forbes’ Address The Ama Kip Kip Incident. The Urban streetwear label, Amakipkip, faced backlash following the release of tribute t-shirts for AKA without obtaining permission from the Forbes Family. The Megacy, AKA’s brother Steffan Forbes, and Nadia Nakai were among those who expressed strong disapproval.

With all the outcry regarding the Amakipkip Tribute Tshirt for AKA, the late rapper’s parents remain mum about it as they opted to fix things behind the scenes with the fashion brand. Speaking for the first time about the incident, Lynn Forbes told SA Hip Hop Mag that the Forbes had their moments with Amakipkip and the brand donated the merchandise they meant to sell for R600 prior.
“I would like to address that, we are good now with Amakipkip. We’ve had our moments with them and you know they’ve kind of actually donated all the merchandise to us that they have done at the time,” Lynn Forbes said.
Nevertheless, despite Amakipkip’s donation of the t-shirts, AKA’s mother conveyed the family’s objection to the brand producing and selling the tribute t-shirts without their involvement or explicit permission. “The issue for us around that was… and I know really, people do tribute stuff and I dont have an issue with tribute stuff but for me and Tony in that situation it was, Amakipkip making t-shirts and selling them without any kind of checking with the family if that was okay or saying we making this but we would like to sell them,” she said.
Lynn Forbes emphasized that as a family, they are making every effort to safeguard the Supa Mega’s legacy and ensure that AKA’s daughter, Kairo, receives her rightful share of her father’s heritage. “For us at the end of the day, let me tell you, there are two reasons why we are doing what we’re doing, to preserve Kiernan’s legacy and to make sure that Kairo benefits from anything that happens here.
“So if Amakipkip are doing t-shirts and they are selling those t-shirts for their gain, I dont care whether it was R10, the point is you should just be respectful to come.” Lynn Forbes said.
Despite Amakipkip’s lapse in protocol with the release of their tribute t-shirts for AKA, Glamy commended Cultish brand for demonstrating respect to the Forbes family by seeking permission before creating their own tribute t-shirts for the late rapper. “If you take somebody like Cultish for instance that did the same thing, they came to the family, they did what they did, they sold at zero profit to themselves, now for me that’s a tribute, she said.
“Im not saying therefore we are not open, but in the process of doing these things, I feel that we’re being a bit disrespected maybe if people just take his legacy and use it for their own gain. Im not saying that was the intention of Amakipkip, I’m not saying that they are bad people, I’m saying I would like to ask people to at least acknowledge us in what they’re doing,” she added.