Maggz Shares What It Takes For Up-and-coming Artists To Work With Him

Maggz Shares What It Takes For Up-and-coming Artists To Work With Him. Maggz is among the South African rappers who have experienced the rap scene’s ups and downs, navigating through various shifts for diverse reasons over different years. However, he remains one of the veteran rappers that up-and-coming artists look up to.

In an interview on Turbang Studios TV, the Piano Black chanter shares insights on the criteria he considers for him to work with up-and-coming artists striving to establish themselves in the industry. “To work with me it’s pretty simple, you just have to be dope bro. Besides being dope, you also have to show me you really want this,” he said.
The rapper emphasized that his significant contributions to the music industry stem primarily from his deep love for both the music itself and the broader cultural landscape. Hence with that in mind, it’s easy for him to work with any artist.
“I do a lot of stuff pro bono, some records I do pro bono because I love the music, I’m a muso first, so I love the music first,” he added. “So if I love it, then it’s easy for us to work, but if I dont love it then I do feel like I have to take so much from me to make this thing work that’s when I’m like drop some money bro because I have a feeling this song might not go anywhere, it might end on your computer with your friends.”
Armed with a wealth of experience, Maggz affirmed that certain artists have the power to inspire his belief in their capabilities, fostering the hope that collaborating with them will yield something substantial.
“There are people where you just believe like he’s dope, I would like to make something, even just for the moment, it got nothing to do with the potential of the song, I dont care if it does well or not, I just at the moment I share the moment with this person, the person I respect, the person I love their music or l love what they do.
“I’ve worked with people who are still coming up in the game, some people are still coming up, building their brands, I work with people like that all the time we made music. For some of them, the music doesn’t go anywhere because they dont have the muscle to push or whatever their situations may be. But I’ve worked with them pro bono for free because I love their song, it has nothing to do with anything else.” Maggz said.