“Kiernan on the box”: Anele’s Father Moses Tembe’s Words Stir Controversy

“Kiernan on the box”: Anele’s Father Moses Tembe’s Words Stir Controversy. AKA’s unexpected passing shook the South African Hip Hop community to its core, leaving fans and fellow artists reeling with disbelief and sorrow. Even now, long after his departure, the pain of losing such a prominent figure in the rap scene continues to linger, casting a shadow over the hearts of many.

However, there are still questions on who was behind Kiernan Forbes’ murder and following the passing of the rapper’s fiance Anele Tembe, most people have concluded that Anele’s father Moses Tembe might’ve had a hand in the killing of AKA.
Speaking for the first time during an exclusive interview with SABC, Moses Tembe made it clear that his family doesn’t have anything to do with the murder of AKA. Rather, the only thing they wished was to have AKA appear in the box as a witness or as the accused.
“It has always been critical for the family to have Kiernan on (in) the box, whether as a witness or as an accused. For closure, it required that the last person with our daughter be present,” Moses Tembe said.
Anele’s father dismissed speculations that he felt to avenge her daughter’s death stating that he wanted AKA alive to tell them what happened on that fateful day in Capetown.
“I loved Kiernan very much…The inquest and closure for the family will never be complete without Kiernan. If there is one family what wanted Kiernan alive, it’s our to see him (say) with his own mouth exactly what happened on that fateful day.”
Moses Tembe‘s words have triggered social media users, leading to the erroneous conclusion that the renowned rapper met his demise through a violent incident in Durban, with speculation pointing towards Tembe’s involvement.