‘The Media Painted Me As A Bad Person,’ Says Jub Jub

Jub Jub gave his first ever one on one interview this morning with Morning Live. The rapper seems to blaming the media for some of the bad things that has happened to him. ‘The media painted me as a bad person,’ says Jub Jub.

“The media painted me as a bad person. I made some wrong decisions in my life and I’m not perfect. What I find really funny is that the same people that had a lot to say had been in my situation,” Jub Jub said.
Jub Jub says he paid for his crimes and he respected the law and did the time. “I’m only back now as a better man. “I am good. I am taking one day at a time. I am focusing on my family right now and my career.”
On his relationship with Themba Tshabalala, Jub Jub says there was never a relationship. “You see again, there are a lot of things that were mixed up. Themba and I were never friends and we spent time in different prisons,” Jub Jub revealed that he met Themba on the day of the accident.
Jub Jub also opened up about life in prison saying, “Prison is everything that you think and more. There is nothing good, nothing nice about prison. It sharpened my character, it broke me down. At times I found it really hard to cope,”