
L-Tido Announces The Oh No Music video

L-Tido has been in the game for almost 10 years now but he is still pumping out those hits like he just came into the game. Tido has been consistent when it comes to making hit songs, but not only that, he also always releases quality records.

L-Tido gold

The rapper said that he will be releasing a brand new album sometime this year even though he did not give out too much detail. 16V released another hit single earlier on this year and it has been on high radio rotation since.

Oh No which feature the Durban group WTF has been doing damage in the streets and L-Tido has finally shot the hot singles music video. After the ‘Dlala Ka Yona’ Video we can’t wait to see what the marketing genius is going to do with this one.

Can you predict what the Oh No video will be like?

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