Scoop On Why He Feels Nasty C Deserves More Credit For Blxckie And LucasRaps’ Style Of Rap

Scoop On Why He Feels Nasty C Deserves More Credit For Blxckie And LucasRaps’ Style Of Rap. Hip Hop has grown immensely from where it started in South Africa with many of our young rappers being influenced by some rappers that have been in the game for some time. Scoop sheds light on why Nasty C deserves more flowers for his introduction of a certain style.

On the latest episode of the POPcast Scoop and Ms Cosmo along with DJ Zan D dive deeper into a few topics around the entertainment industry including the support of women in the Hip Hop industry, Major league DJz and many more. A stand out topic was that of Nasty C and how Scoop felt that the SA Hip Hop community leaned more towards Blxckie then Nasty C yet the two have a similar style of rap. Scoop also added LucasRaps too the mix.
“No one gives Nasty C props for that. The Blxckie and LucasRaps flow, was developed from a Nasty C skeleton. But no one will give Nasty the props. Everybody will love Lucas and Blxckie.” He explained.
Ms Cosmo added that possibly because Nasty C is based in America, Blxckie has come into SA Hip Hop as the new kid on the block and given the style of rap in her own words, “a Zulu swing.”
Scoop then further broke down what he meant, reiterating that Nasty C started up a certain style of rap.
“I’m saying, if you listen to Nasty C’s flow before you heard Blxckie. From Strings and Bling to stuff. The ‘ye ye’… That sh*t is what Nasty invented. But everybody hated Nasty for being that but Blxckie and Lucas come around and everybody loves it. But they don’t say, without Nasty C developing this flow. We wouldn’t have this rail road of rap right now.“