SA Hip Hop Reacts To Missing Covid Relief Funds Meant For Artists

SA Hip Hop Reacts To Missing Covid Relief Funds Meant For Artists. The SA Hip Hop Community has always been supported and praised by the Government and other affiliates of it, however the community does not shy away reacting to the Government’s corruption.

It was recently announced by Minister of Arts And Culture Nathi Mthethwa that he will be taking action against Senior Government officials who were involved in the mismanagement of funds allocated for artists. The amount was a whopping R300 Million.
Members of the SA Hip Hop community were certainly not impressed with National Arts Council for misusing funds meant for the relief of artists during the COVID-19 pandemic. They took to their twitter pages to react to the news.
AKA reacted to the news, tweeting that the Government is brutal. He also asked himself what the National Arts Council is and why he has never heard of it.
His tweet read, “What is the National Arts Council? … and why have I never heard of it. Damn.”
Popular hitmaker Rouge also reacted to the news mentioning that she is not happy that such a large sum of money just disappeared. She tweeted, “This whole Arts and culture chat is pissing me off honestly… How you putting “300 million” and disappeared in the same sentence?“
L-Tido reacted mentioning that corruption being a regular occurrence is not surprising him because the Government fails it’s people continuously. His tweet read, “Corruption is such a regular occurrence, it’s not surprising anymore. The government has failed us time and time again!! It’s a damn shame that black people are in power now and we still oppressed“.
Moozlie reacted saying that every time someone mentions Nathi Mthetwa’s name she jokingly asks who’s that? She highlights the reason for that is the news of the mismanagement of funds. Her tweet read, “Every time someone says the name Nathi Mthethwa to me I jokingly say “who’s that? & this tweet is exactly why.”